Stud-Book Lore
195,00 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt.
Stud-Book Lore
Stud-Book Lore, Being Reproductions of articles dealing with the Racehorse, and various other subjects connected with Country Life and Pursuits, written between 1904-1938 by the late C. M. Prior, B.A. (Cantab.), together with some other articles by F. M. Prior. With 33 Illustrations. published 1951
284 pp.
Stud-Book Lore
Stud-Book Lore, Being Reproductions of articles dealing with the Racehorse, and various other subjects connected with Country Life and Pursuits, written between 1904-1938 by the late C. M. Prior, B.A. (Cantab.), together with some other articles by F. M. Prior. With 33 Illustrations. published 1951
284 pp.
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